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Direct Sales Accelerator
Q and A call - Introduction (109:40)
Q and A call - Basics of direct sales (107:08)
Q and A call - Messaging a direct sales offer (118:31)
Setting up an OptimizePress sales page using messaging from a social post (14:50)
Making an offer from an email sequence (30:40)
The best way to figure out your messaging (from Kickstarter Accelerator) (14:38)
Designing funnel messaging (20:38)
Copywriting basics (from Create Profitable Facebook Ads) (9:04)
The Customer Journey (from Create Profitable Facebook Ads) (9:04)
Setting up a direct sales offer
Sales page flow chart
Setting up a pay what you want offer using Thrivecart, Bookfunnel, and Optimizepress (26:11)
Setting up funnel upsells and downsells in Thrivecart (9:57)
The Sideways Sales Letter (from The Kickstarter Accelerator) (3:50)
Making a sales page from a Kickstarter page through Flodesk (26:54)
Mailing list sequence offer design when you have multiple series (42:04)
Rinse and repeat - This is when it becomes fun! (5:46)
Non-fiction pay-what-you-want offer walkthrough (5:39)
Analysis of the PIxie Dust free+shipping offer (from 8/2020)
***FINAL Godsverse Chronicles Sales page and funnel design walkthrough + TEMPLATE!!!!!*** (18:18)
Go Wide Incubator - Special offers
What are special offers? (46:35)
Where Do Direct Sales Special Offers Fit Into My Business (47:13)
Seven Questions to Answer About Your Offer (39:34)
Potential Projects For Your Direct Sales Special Offer (25:23)
Messaging About Your Offer (53:11)
Copywriting And the Sideways Sales Letter (37:43)
Getting Your Message Out There (32:42)
Getting More Traffic and Signups (30:39)
Direct Sales Workshop
Traffic and Scale
Q and A call - Getting traffic to a direct sales offer (99:25)
Build a Superfandom general overview lecture (81:24)
How to run a successful giveaway overview (27:20)
Spokes on Your Promotional Wheel (from Build a Superfandom) (3:22)
Using Social Media Effectively (from Build a Build a Superfandom) (24:40)
Content Marketing (from Build a Superfandom) (14:48)
Cross-promotion (from Build a Superfandom) (20:37)
The Key to Paid Advertising (from Build a Superfandom) (15:53)
Book Clubs and Round Robins (12:04)
Build your own social media site (15:12)
Retargeting and Abandon cart sequences
Retargeting TECH walkthrough (15:22)
Abandoned Cart TECH walkthrough (4:45)
What is a Meta (Facebook) pixel - From Create Profitable Facebook Ads course (5:39)
Web store
Q and A call - Setting up a successful web store (64:46)
Setting up successful products on your web store (25:50)
Proof that pay-what-you-want works! (1:39)
Conventions, book signings, and live events
How to Run a Successful Book event webinar (56:30)
Make Money at Live events (from How to Build Your Creative Career)
Tech walkthroughs
A note about tech before we get started...
Flodesk (14:13)
Thrivecart - main walkthrough (18:41)
Thrivecart - legacy vs. new carts & COUNTDOWN CLOCK (4:34)
Teachable (25:02)
Squarespace (9:02)
Themify (12:32)
OptimizePress (14:12)
Square (5:33)
Elementor (12:10)
Storenvy (2:57)
Backerkit (2:06)
Other options to consider (6:29)
A couple more options to consider then I swear I'm done... (2:44)
Gumroad (18:29)
Bonus Content and Special Webinars
7 Mindset Shifts Authors Need To Make For Direct Sales (Adapted from Monica's NINC 2022 Talk) (96:16)
Q and A call- Creating an amazing membership with special guests Emilia Rose and Michael Evans from Ream (116:44)
Designing funnel messaging
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